King Schools Scholarships

King Schools Scholarships
Women in Aviation International and the
National Association of Flight Instructors have partnered with King Schools to provide annual scholarships to highly qualified members of those organizations. Eleven scholarship winners since 2016 have received $5,000 that has been used to achieve new ratings or their flight instructor certificate. They also were given lifetime access to the entire King Schools online course library of more than 100 courses including FIRCs for life. The value of each scholarship is over $20,000.
Applications for the 2025 WAI Martha King Scholarship for Female Flight Instructors opens August 1, 2024. You must be a current member of Women in Aviation International by October 1, 2024, and your membership must not expire before March 2025. The deadline to submit your application is Oct. 11, 2024. For more information
click here. The application period starts on August 1, 2024.
To apply for the NAFI/King Schools Scholarship
click here
A primary mission of King Schools is to create courses that make learning smart, safe and fun. Martha and John King are co-chairmen of King Schools, the largest provider of online training for pilots from student through professional. John and Martha have been supporting individuals and organizations that have a passion for aviation ever since they started the company in 1974.
King Schools also provides many aviation organizations with support by providing courses for their events, fund raising and raising awareness. To apply for support, please
fill out the form here.
For more information about our Scholarship Winners Click Here