The one sure way to get ahead is to seek out and take care of other people´s needs.
It should be a goal to leave everyone who comes in contact with you better off for having had that contact with you.
The way to get other people to do what you want is to use the dynamite tool of TNT:
Trustworthiness is established
Needs of others are identified
Triumph is achieved with a solution to their needs
The keys to success are to have several passions, develop areas of interest that you know more about than others, and use TNT.
If when you meet someone, you use their name and focus on them with intensity for 60 seconds, they will remember you for years.
If you want positive results, start all written communications with the word “you”. That’s what the recipient is most interested in.
On Management
An employer´s highest obligation is to provide meaningful, rewarding work in an atmosphere of civility and respect.
Responsible leaders are careful with their power.
If you want to test someone´s character don´t give them adversity, give them power. That is the true test of character.
Unless you´ve solicited and received "creative disagreement", you probably don´t understand all sides of the issue and are not ready to make a decision.
Good crew coordination means challenging the captain when they are about to make a mistake. A good captain is thankful for the challenge.
Experts make as many errors as novices—they have just become better at catching and correcting them.
Sometimes the riskiest thing to do is not to take a risk.
Failure is wasted if you don´t take responsibility for it.
On Managing Yourself
Doing things that matter to lots of people means that there will be many opinions of you—some will be unfavorable no matter how good a job you do.
You can’t control all the things that happen to you, but you can control how you respond to them
Anger is a totally counter-productive and destructive emotion. Attempting to “get it out of your system” by expressing it only prolongs and heightens the emotion.
Don’t take insults and indignities personally—it is a reflection on them not on you.
Verbal attacks are a compliment; no one will bother to disparage someone that doesn’t matter to them.