KING's Flying the Garmin G1000 Course is much more than the simple courses that many others offer. This course harnesses the vivid visualization of video and the power of your computer or mobile device to prepare you so well that when you get in the airplane, your hands and eyes will automatically go to the right place.
- Enjoy lifetime course access with free course updates
- NEW FAA-style questions after each lesson reinforce your learning
- Use your course on any mobile device or computer
Legendary instructors John and Martha King give you clear, simple and fun explanations with interactive video instruction.
You'll learn the systems and how to interpret and use the flight instruments, engine instruments, radios, transponder, maps, and aviation databases ... all on two big display screens—before long you'll be eager to demonstrate your proficiency in the air.
- Understand and use your Primary Flight Display (PFD) and Multi Function Display (MFD)
- Learn how to best use WAAS
- Learn how to use the Garmin GFC700 autopilot for both VFR and IFR flying
- Navigate with moving maps, flight plans, and "Direct—To" ... with confidence
- Manage systems including engine leaning and monitoring
- Utilize the facilities database including pages and page groups, nearest airport, navigation aids
- Learn how to use XM Weather
- Know how to customize your system
Be Prepared Before You Fly
You'll not only understand and be able to use the fabulous capabilities of advanced Garmin avionics, but you'll know the quickest and most efficient way to do things. You'll stay way ahead of the G1000 and fully utilize all of its amazing power. And you'll say, "Wow, that was easy!"
Transitioning to a Glass Cockpit?
You'll easily transition from round dials to glass with this engaging and thorough course. The complex G1000 systems will become intuitive. Soon you'll have command of its 125 knobs and buttons.
The G1000 system is a leap forward in both user-interface design and capability. The new features are powerful and will reward the time spent learning how to make them work for you.
- Familiarize yourself with the great improvements made to the Flight Plan and "Direct—To" windows, PFD status bar, and the way navigation modes are displayed on the HSI
- Take the guesswork out of determining when to descend by knowing how to use the new Vertical Navigation (VNAV) functions for both VFR and IFR flight
- Save time and get better in-flight information by learning how to load airways into your flight plans
- Understand the new and improved way the G1000 guides you through a missed approach
- Learn about many other exciting features including Checklists, FliteCharts and ChartView, SafeTaxi, and XM radio
You'll value your course so much that you'll use it again and again to maintain the currency you need to fly the G1000 with safety and utility.
Put it all together from pre-flight and startup to managing the glass-cockpit transition and risk in the air!
- Learn to use Garmin's hazard avoidance systems including the optional Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS), and the Traffic Information System (TIS)
- Call up instrument procedures with ease including loading and activating approaches, departures and arrivals, course reversals, holding, and missed approaches
- Know what to do when things go wrong, including electrical and display problems—even in IMC
- Learn how to stay way ahead of the G1000 and fully utilize all of its amazing power

Accepted for FAA WINGS Credit
*** Trade-in your old KING G1000 CD-ROM course ***
It's Easy To Upgrade...If your discs are v. 5.7 or earlier, you may want to update your course to include WAAS, GFC 700 Autopilot lessons and more!
Just order this current online course, and we'll buy back your old Cleared for Flying the Garmin G1000 CD-ROM course for half the original price course.
Call 800-854-1001 and let the friendly Pilot Advisor know you want to upgrade your old course.
Approximately 7 hours of video lessons